02 July 2005

Anti-Fashion Trend

Ok, so I haven't really been all about the whole bracelet fad that's been going on for a little more than a year or so now. Now, don't get me wrong at all about the "Livestrong" ones and the pink breast cancer bracelets, etc. that are truly wonderful and I fully support. I'm talking about the ones that are like from Nike and other random ones that just say catchy things. However, one has come along that is very close to my heart--not to say that the breast cancer and Lance Armstrong cancer ones aren't--and I definitely went on and purchased a box of 10 (the lowest amount you can buy) that should be here any day now.

If you know me and know also where I live, you know that I see the devastation of poverty every day. The past year that I've lived here in "The White House" on 15th and Bosque, I have had some of the most moving and memorable experiences and conversations w/ the people in the neighborhood. It truly has been a blessing to live life w/ these people--the prostitutes, crack addicts, alcoholics, homeless, and any combination of the forementioned. I have come to love these people. I look forward to seeing them everyday and seeing their smiling faces and emphatic waves as I come and go from the house. I never would have guessed this would happen. It seems more likely that I would be trying to avoid them and not have to hear their drunken and drugged rambling mixed w/ the smell body odor, cheap malt liquor, and stale cigarette smoke. On the contrary, over the past year, God has allowed me to more truly see these people through his eyes and I cannot put into words how beautiful it is. These are the people Jesus continually talked about in the Gospels who truly know the kingdom of God and know what God's grace is all about. They have taught me more than they can ever imagine. Imagine that, the uneducated homeless have taught me more than any person w/ a doctorate could ever imagine. These people are not a burden on society, but a blessing to me. Therefore, the One campaign to fight poverty and AIDS in Africa and the rest of the world has rung loud in the depth of my heart and I would encourage everyone to educate his or herself on what the campaign is all about. The best part about this campaign is that the main thing they're encouraging people to do is not to donate money, but to educate theirselves on this epidemic of poverty and to be a voice behind the fight to end its oppressive reign in Third World countries and in your and my neighborhood. I am hardly ever a "spokesperson" for something, but as you can tell this hits a part of me where I can't not talk about it.

I mean, seriously, Pink Floyd came together and played at Hyde Park in London after so long of bitter break-up! And, I might add, were absolutely incredible! They haven't missed a beat and the fact that they came together and sang, putting aside all their passed differences for this speaks an incredible testimony to what this campaign is all about!

May we all learn more and more each day to see through the eyes of Jesus who sees people for who they truly are--the Beloved of God! God bless the world!


At 7/06/2005 6:54 PM, Blogger Janalee said...


At 7/06/2005 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7/10/2005 11:48 AM, Blogger Vernon Bowen said...

Good stuff, bro. Keep doing what you're doing ...


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