23 August 2006

Putting It Into Words

Have you ever felt like you had to write something down? A feeling you’re experiencing, a sense that has just been blown wide open by some trigger, making it seem like you were (if only for a moment) one w/ the universe, or an important life lesson learned at the hand of some mad genius that let you in on some of his secret to how and why he does what he does. You must get it all down like you might forget how it feels and/or you need to remember what you’ve done to “remedy” the situation. Well, one of those situations I’ve found to be quite like chasing after the wind.

It is the attempt to capture in words the awakening of a sense by some stimulant. For example, how you feel when you are lying on a rock while the sun is gently caressing your body and the wind is kissing your face, soothing the sun’s soft rays, and the sound of the water nearby waterfalling, making music w/ the rocks and the forest. Not to mention how the water feels as your hand rests on the pillow of the stream. Do I truly think this is something that can be put into words? Can it really be bound to something as finite as words? Can it be “summed up?” I can do all I can to list the elements of it all and liken it to what I do know as best I can, but some things are so simple, yet magnificent in their natural innocence, or purity. Words just seem to almost pollute the essence of the awakened sense. I always want to try, though. Each time is something different!

That just makes me believe even more so that there is something deeper in this world, in this life. Something…Other. There’s something beyond explanation—beyond words. Something indescribable.

Sight, sound, touch, taste, smell; this is what we know. But there is something even more Indescribable and Unimaginable. Until I experience this, I am going to continue in delighting to sit back and take all of these senses and marinate in everything that is around, felt, experienced. I will continue to let the showers of grace and mercy all around me to be bathed in humble gratitude and thanksgiving.

Anyone w/ me on this one?


17 August 2006

Power to the Peaceful

I titled this little entry as “Power to the Peaceful” bc I was in my boy Toph’s car tonight and he had a cd that was (I believe) named as such and we were listening to the song where the singer said those words and it’s fresh on my mind and I really liked the sound of those words. (Man, that was a long, run-on sentence! I need to catch my breath…)

So, I was also thinking about how I’ve been trying to live as drama free in my life as much as possible lately and how incredibly peaceful it’s been to not take myself so seriously! It’s so freeing to be able to laugh at yourself and realize how ridiculous you are sometimes…or most of them.

It’s good not taking yourself so serious. Laugh at a great joke…heck, laugh at a horrible joke. Just don’t miss life!

Don’t ever forget to enjoy life. Enjoy other’s lives as well. Don’t get so caught up in busyness that you forget to be in tune to the wonderment of life and death, song and silence—all that is. Live every day in its fullest!

“Creation…meet, Creator.”

“What’s that? You’ve never seen anything as Beautiful as this before? Did you ever look around you?”

“Well, yes, I did, but I guess I was just looking. Now, I see!”

Celebrate life w/ each other. Why hate when you can love? Why make war when there’s peace?

There is Beauty in everything bc it was created by a beautiful God. You, and even me. Make sure you remind everyone you come into contact w/ that they are beautiful and loved. It means a lot! It’s always nice to know you’re loved and counted as special, so why not let others know that they are too? Not in order to be owed something in return. No! Let this debt go. Let it remain outstanding.

Don’t be fake. Be genuine. Be true. Be true w/ yourself and to others. Express emotions. When you hurt, cry. When you cry, cry hard. This is good.

Be full of wonder—it’s quite wonderful! Delight in the bird that sings its own love song to you. Never forget to stop and be still before a sunrise and sunset. Don’t speak, don’t think. Just be.

You will find yourself there.

There is much power to the peaceful. Amen.

15 August 2006

My Farewell to the Youth...

As requested by some of you out there, I am including my speech from the other week, which was my last talk at Prime Time on Wednesday night:

In the close of Rainer Maria Rilke's 8th letter to a young poet, he writes, "Do not believe that he who seeks to comfort you lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life has much difficulty and sadness...Were it otherwise he would never have been able to find those words." Let's pray.

Father, it is you who led me to this place. It is you who led me to these people. I thank you for the time you have given us together. I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart will be pure and that you will continue to speak to and through every single person in this room as I know you will. It is through the promise and hope of Jesus' name that I pray these things. Amen.

Like Lloyd Christmas said in Dumb & Dumber, "I hate goodbyes!" but thanks be to God, he has taught me--and still is teaching me--about the importance of not complaining about the short time I may have w/ someone or some people, or dwelling on the things doen together that will be missed, but to thank him for the opportunity to share the time w/ those I've come to love and care for. For the things he taught me through them and how he showed me himself in them. Those are the things that I will consume my thoughts and self w/. I will forever hold them in my heart and they will always be in my smile. They have been added to my sotry and we have written something in His Story, which nothing can touch.

As Ben Harper sings in his song Happy Everafter In Your Eyes, "All I have to give you is forever yours to keep." My prayer is that you've learned something from me bc I sure have learned many things from you! However, my prayer is even more so that if you did learn something good and beneficial that you would not so much thank me, but thank God for the things he has, is, and will be doing in and through me. I just thank him for counting me worthy--when I'm not even close to being worthy--of showing himself in and through me.

When I leave, the foundation of your faith and the foundation of this youth group should not budge bc I am not your foundation! There should be no wavering! I am human. All I can do is strive to be the best human/person I can be by the power that has been graced to me. The only comfort I can give is from the Comforter. The only healing I can give comes from the Healer. The love I give is only graced to me from Love itself. If you're searching for it, I pray you would, and will, go to the Source of it all. I will fail you. I will always fall short--no matter how hard I try. I can't always be there for you. He will never fail you. He can't fall short. He will always be there for you. God never promised us easy, though he did promise us peace. When we search for it, we will find it.

If I have pointed you to me rather than to him, my time w/ you has been in vain. I don't think that's the case, though, bc I know I have seen God working in many of you and it's been the most amazing and awe-filled thing to see--watching him prune and water the seed sown in your life. Another prayer of mine is that you will continually view yourself and others as "works in progress." Never stop in loving God w/ all your hear, mind, soul, body, and strength, and continually learning how you can do this more so you may be able to love and accept others as he loves and accepts them...unconditionally.

I guess the "last thing" I'd like to leave you w/ is somewhat of a challenge, but one that is not a one-time thing. Continually pray that God will allow you to see life and the world through his eyes. I promise that you will be forever changed and realize there is nothing better and how much beauty there is around us.

May God continue to bless each and every one of you as I know he already has!